Saturday, April 18, 2015

Analyzing the First Trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

     For months, actually, years, we've been desperate for any information regarding one of the biggest superhero films of all time, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The trailer has been rumored to be attached to multiple films, yet they all passed without one glimpse of the film. Now, we finally have our first look at the movie, and I'm here to analyze the most important frames in the trailer!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     One of the first frames show a rebuilt Metropolis, with the silhouette of that Superman statue we saw in set photos awhile back. So nothing major here.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     As you'll see as we dive deeper into the trailer, it seems as if Superman is being almost worshiped, and appears to the humans as being almost God-like. It looks here as though Supes has decided to attend the Day of the Dead, and everyone is happy to see him. And it's impossible to not note the fact that these guys are in white face paint and have black around their eyes, like the Joker. The Joker is rumored to be referenced in this movie, and with Jared Leto bringing him to life in Suicide Squad just a few months later, why not throw in a few easter eggs?
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Superman is clearly busy in this movie, as we just saw him possibly in Mexico and now... Russia? It's a Russian missile, so of course he's not for sure in Russia. Could this Russian missile be an indication that the Russian villain the KGBeast, (who was an important character on Arrow, but he was a good guy) plays a role? Someone on the set from a few months back reported seeing a trailer labeled "Knyazev", the last name of Anatoli Knyazev, the KGBeast. Just a thought, though it seems far-fetched.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Black-suited soldiers kneeling in front of Superman with his logo on their shoulders? Weird. Obviously, there is some controversy about the Man of Steel, but it seems like he's got some followers as well.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     One of the coolest shots in the trailer. I have no idea who the woman is, but it appears as if she is wearing robes of some sort. Again, it looks like Kal-el is being worshipped.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Or not. Obviously he's got his haters.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Our first look at Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne! Personally, I think he looks the most like the Bruce Wayne in the comics than any other actor portraying him. This will be a more depressed, beaten, and gloomy Batman, and this moment captures his sorrow perfectly.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     The Bat-suit has definitely seen better days, as indicated by the scratches in it. But boy does it look awesome! We'll get a better look at it later on, but here it looks like it is on display.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Something looks to be in Batman's hands here, but I have no idea what it is. What is this place? My guess would be Wayne Manor. Remember, Bruce is rumored to be living in a cottage on the property of his mansion, so maybe he lives in a cottage because, I don't know, Wayne Manor is not suitable to live in? Oh, and on the front left pillar, there is a question mark. An obvious reference to the Riddler.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     This seems to confirm that the Bat-wing will be in the film...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     ...attacking some goons!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Here's the Bat-mobile, and it seems like these two vehicles are at the same place. Why Batman would bring the Bat-mobile and the Bat-wing to the same place at the same time is beyond me.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Bats looks pretty intimidating here. Look at those muscles!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     This is an amazing shot of the Caped Crusader. You can make out what looks to be a rifle in his hands, a nod to The Dark Knight Returns, in which he used a rifle to fire a grappling hook.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Talk about a nod to The Dark Knight Returns! This is the exact suit he wore to fight Superman in the graphic novel. There are some scratches on his cowl, so it has probably been in a fight before. Or he and Superman have already fought. And the glowing eyes! Beautiful!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     Are you guys just going to have a staring contest or throw down?
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Screenshots
     I didn't mean literally throw yourself on the ground Clark... never mind. I'm glad we at least got a tease of the epic showdown between the two.
     Well, there you go! Enjoy this trailer, because this is probably going to be the only thing we get until Comic-Con in July...

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