Saturday, May 30, 2015

How to Make Arrow Great Again

     It's no secret that Arrow Season Three was a bit disappointing. It wasn't bad, it's just that compared to the season before it, and even Season One, Season Three had a lot to live up to. While it was entertaining, it played with a whole other side of this CW Universe, we saw some good character development, and we got to see one of the most infamous DC super-villains, it was seriously lacking in believable character interactions, stories, and plot points. So here is how Arrow Season Four can save the series.
Return to Crime Drama

     With the CW-verse playing with superpowers, time-travel, etc. with The Flash and soon, Legends of Tomorrow, it's clear that Arrow simply can't return to the gritty, all dark show it was in Season One. Needless to say, this doesn't mean that they can't go back to being a crime drama. Season Three obviously dealt with crime stories, but it was largely overshadowed by the inevitable battle with the League. Episodes 10, 11, and 12 were some of the best episodes of the season because it wasn't focusing on super-powers or an organization of assassins; it focused on Team Arrow without the Arrow, battling a guy who broke out a bunch of past villains and wanted to take over the Glades.
     Team Arrow solving crimes is so entertaining; between the interactions in the Arrow Cave, going on the streets to get the bad guys, and discover that is it all part of a larger plan was so much fun to watch. Let's return to the streets!
Don't Overuse Superpowers

     Arrow's crossover with The Flash was so amazing, that the creators decided to introduce us to a superpowered villain later in the season with Deathbolt. And it was terrible. I don't even know what he was doing in Starling City in the first place. 
     With The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow, there should be crossovers with these more fantastical characters, but don't throw them in just for the heck of it. Deathbolt seemed to be introduced just to slow down the League of Assassins story. So don't let the fact that there are superpowers get in the way of telling a good story, because at the heart, Arrow is still a show grounded in reality.
Learn From Other Shows

     Arrow is usually a dark, humorless show, and with Season Four promising big changes, a great way to change it up is to inject some humor in it. Not too much, because it is a dark show, and it needs to stay that way. But even on The Flash, where there were some very dark stories, there was still humor in it, and it worked. With Oliver actually being happy (for the time being) there is bound to be some more light-hearted moments, especially after this very dark and difficult season for the characters. And with Oliver retiring from being the Arrow...
Time to Bring on the Green Arrow

     Arrow is in a spot where they need to change things up, and what better way to do that than by introducing us to the man Oliver Queen is bound to become? Green Arrow actually has a sense of humor, yet also solves crimes, like Batman. The newspaper from the future that Gideon showed Barry mentioned the Green Arrow, so it's only a matter of time before Oliver takes up that mantle. Plus, he's happy now, and Stephen Amell recently revealed that "The Arrow is done. No more Arrow suit. I've worn it for the last time".
     This move will possible inject some more humor in the show, and we'll get a new, more colorful costume. That will likely attract more viewers to the show; the costume is everything right? We all want a greener costume, and now is the perfect time to introduce us to him with the show changing to suit this new, expanded universe on the CW.
Make H.I.V.E. a Truly Unique Threat

     It's no secret that H.I.V.E. will be the big bad in Season Four. It has been pretty much confirmed by actors, and the Damien Dahrk sup-plot wasn't put into the season finale for nothing. Ra's al Ghul told Oliver that he was once his friend who defected from the League, who took waters from the Lazarus Pits and commands "a Hive of followers". This organization is going to be closely tied to the League, and Dahrk will probably have lived a long time too, like Ra's, thanks to the Lazarus Pits. And he holds League secrets. 
     But he defected from the League of Assassins for a reason, so let's see why. Differentiate H.I.V.E from the League of Assassins, or it's just going to be a repeat of Season Three. There will be similarities between Ra's and Damien Dahrk, but make Dahrk different from Ra's. We still don't know a lot about H.I.V.E., so play up that mystery for the first part of the season.

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