Sunday, March 29, 2015

Arrow: Why Oliver Accepting the Offer is a Good Thing

     When Ra's al Ghul asked Oliver Queen to be his heir, pretty much everyone assumed that Oliver would say no, and he obviously did. But what Oliver and Team Arrow did not know was that the Demon's Head doesn't take "no" for an answer. Now, the League is in Starling City masquerading as the Arrow so the people would turn on him, making the offer more appealing. 
    This season of Arrow has been a bit disappointing; sure, it's hard to beat last season, but this season has so much potential and it is not being utilized. Ra's al Ghul has been an interesting and entertaining villain, yet he's only been in, what, 4 episodes so far? And many of the other villains have been very boring. The character development has been great this year, but some of the stories are just getting to be very unrealistic and repetitive. And by repetitive, I mean that the writers are using the same formula; villain shows up, quick confrontation, some drama, then they take him/her down. It just seems like a lot of these characters are there just so they can have an episode.
     The second season was so great because even early on, many of the villains were connected to the season-long baddie. Everything was connected. This season, the villains seem to show up just to delay the inevitable confrontation between the League and Team Arrow. That's what we all really want to see. And now we're supposed to believe that a few people can hold their own against a whole army of trained assassins and a man who's been alive for centuries?
     Oliver really should be become the next leader of the League of Assassins because the show needs to undergo some changes. Stephen Amell recently revealed that Arrow would be changed in a very fundamental way. Maybe Oliver becoming the new Ra's al Ghul is that big change? Imagine Oliver and the League traveling around the world to take down new threats. This way, they could even introduce even bigger villains in the DC Universe that Oliver could now go toe-to-toe with, not those weak villains of the weeks. Someone/something that would take the whole League to take down, which would probably mean more cohesive stories because a big villain couldn't be taken down in one week. We could get episodes focusing on some villain(s) that take up a few episodes, like the Brick trilogy this season.
     Plus, there have also been rumors of someone leaving Team Arrow, possibly being a reason for Oliver leaving and a reason for Team Arrow to break up. Then, there were the set photos of Oliver in League of Assassins attire. But, my final reason that points to this happening is the fact that H.I.V.E. will probably be the big bad in Season 4. The League of Assassins against H.I.V.E. would make for an epic season. Plus, they wanted Andy Diggle dead, which would tie the League, Team Arrow, and H.I.V.E together.
     But before Season 4 arrives, we need to see the conclusion of Season 3, and I am actually not sure where that will go since, the big villain actually wants our hero alive...


The Flash, Firestorm, and Arrow vs Reverse Flash?

     The first official crossover between The Flash and Arrow was unbelievably successful, with more crossovers on the way and a new crossover spin-off show in the works. If these new set photos hold any weight, then we might have our most epic crossover yet coming soon.
     New set photos from The Flash show Barry, Firestorm, and the Arrow standing side by side, with Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne standing in front of them with his Reverse-Flash suit on. We have arguably 3 of the most popular and important heroes on the CW against probably the most powerful villain in this universe.

     So here are some of the better ones from the bunch, but the link is up there if you want to see them all. Everyone seems to be in their usual attire (Firestorm really needs a real costume) except Oliver, who is rocking some League of Assassins gear. Before we assume that he accepts Ra's al Ghul's offer, let's take a step back...
     The Flash has been dealing with time-travel as of late, and they will obviously continue to explore its implications. We know that Barry can time-travel, and we can assume that Reverse-Flash has/had the ability to. I say this because we still do not know his endgame, but he obviously is working to get Barry to go faster, he wants to go home, and he has super-speed. So, with that in mind he probably can't do it at this time for reasons unknown. Maybe Barry has really messed with time, and these set photos show them in some alternate timeline/dimension where Oliver accepted Ra's al Ghul's offer because of the Flash's tampering with the timeline.
     But I doubt this. The other 3 characters are in their normal costumes, and the 3 heroes are facing the one villain. So they aren't on different sides if this is some other timeline. Plus, if this is some timeline where Oliver is Ra's al Ghul, wouldn't this have bigger implications for this universe? Who's to say Firestorm isn't bad? In some other universe, could these people have different costumes and be on different sides? This is just speculation, but I'm trying to take in all the possibilities.
     Maybe Oliver needed a spare costume because his got damaged or something. I think I am one of the few people hoping Oliver become the leader of the League; but why I wish that is another article entirely. I'd love for some people to comment with their thoughts!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Deadpool Movie Costume Revealed

     Over the last month, those involved with Fox's Deadpool film have been slowly feeding us casting news and some tidbits about the film. Now, courtesy of Ryan Reynolds, the man bringing the Merc With a Mouth to life, we get our first look at the costume he will be seen wearing in the movie,
     I had complete faith that the costume would be amazing, but even this goes beyond my expectations. Fox is clearly doing the character justice, and director Tim Miller is taking this very seriously. The costume is a brighter red than seen in the test footage, which was more of a maroon. It looks like it was ripped straight out of the comics. He's got all the harnesses, he's dripping with pouches and weapons, (though his swords are missing) his eyes are white, and the black patterns on the suit are almost exactly like the comics.
     I was kind of expecting a more militarized suit for Deadpool, like Captain America's costume, but come on; it's Deadpool. Only he would go around killing people in spandex. This is the most loyal costume ever adapted into a comic book film, in my opinion. I can't think of a better way of throwing Deadpool on the big screen. With this beautiful costume, maybe this is a sign of some of the more colorful costumes of the X-Men being adapted on film? I doubt it, but still.
     Deadpool arrives in theaters on February 12, 2016 with Tim Miller directing and starring Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, among others.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Flash: Paleyfest Trailer

     I know this trailer came out like a week ago, but this week has been crazy for me so here's my thoughts on The Flash trailer from Paleyfest 2015!
     The first 30 seconds are tidbits snagged from the first half of the season, and 0:35 shows the S.T.A.R. Labs crew fixing up Ray Palmer's A.T.O.M. suit in the background with Harrison Wells looking away mysteriously. We then see Team Flash standing outside S.T.A.R. Labs with Felicity, looking on as Ray swoops down in his fancy new suit.
     After that is a funny piece of dialogue between Laurel and Cisco, in what looks to be the police precinct in Starling City, with Laurel telling Cisco that she knows Barry is the Flash, and that she is the black Canary. "I love you" replies Cisco, with a big grin on his face. There are clearly dark times coming up on The Flash, and it is good to know that there will still be these funny moments. Then, Barry runs into a forest with Captain Cold saying, "Good to see you,,, Barry". So it looks like Snart will find out his secret identity, which is bad news for Barry.
     We get some quick shots of the Rogues and some new looks at the Weather Wizard, but as I'm writing this after that episode, it doesn't matter, does it? We finally get a look at Mark Hamill as the Trickster. It looks like he substituted his spandex from the '90s series for a suit. And we get to see Grodd, in one of the most chilling parts of the trailer. Joe is trapped in Grodd's lair, just as General Eiling was. So maybe Wells takes him there because he finds out about Joe's in-depth investigations into him? It's kinda like Well's prison, as Grodd as the warden... I'm kidding. But that seems like a good explanation as to why Joe ends up there.

     Then Cisco is seen wearing some weird eyewear. In the comics, Vibe, Cisco's alter-ego, wears some odd-looking goggle with gold lenses, but Cisco won't be gaining powers anytime soon on the show. Maybe this is simply an easter egg for fans. We then see a moment between Barry and Iris, followed by a scene showing Eddie punch Barry in the face, probably a hint of a dark future for Mr. Thawne. Not convinced? The next scene shows Eddie shooting two cops in cold blood. Then there's some scenes from "Out of Time", last weeks episode, so I'm not gonna get into that.
     Up next, we see Cisco, Joe, and... Captain Lance! Digging up what looks to be a dead body! It'll be interesting if this somehow connects to the Reverse-Flash investigation. Then we Barry tied up, and The Reverse-Flash attacking Mason Bridge. We also get a snippet of Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, and a bald man on the ground in the chamber used to catch the Reverse-Flash (I am guessing that's Lance on the ground). There's also a frame showing Joe decked out in full black swat gear with a gnarly looking gun, followed by other very fast scenes. An interesting frame was someone in a black mask with some green metal nailed to it. Not sure who this is. If you happen to know, please let me know in the comments below.
     There was a lot packed into this trailer, so I probably missed some things. There were some major spoilers in the trailer, and I'm surprised they put some of those in.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

First photo of Wilson Fisk in Daredevil

     The first photos of Vincent D'Onofrio has been released by Marvel, and I like what I see. The Kingpin has a pretty straight-forward look in the comics, and D'Onofrio totally looks the part. He is not sporting the white suit yet, but you can only get so much, right? 
     Plus, Daredevil is starting out with his all black ninja garb, and it has been heavily hinted that we would see the classic all red costume by the end of the season, so the costumes will definitely going through changes throughout the first season. The next photo sees Fisk pissed off in what looks to be a warehouse. 
     I have loved what has been revealed so far for the show, and I am all for that dark and gritty tone that was first introduced to me in the form of Arrow. There has been so little revealed so far about the series, but as the April 10 debut nears, more and more is getting revealed. Stay tuned!

Spider-man in the MCU: Breaking Down the New Rumors

That awkward moment when you're the only one wearing your mask...
     These last few days have been full of different rumors regarding Spider-man's MCU debut. So I'll get right to discussing them, as they are all very interesting. 
     First, it is being rumored that Drew Goddard will write and direct the new Spider-man movie due in July of 2017. Goddard was involved with the Daredevil show on Netflix before departing to direct The Sinister Six. Some reports have said that the villain team-up is still in the works, along with the other Spidey spin-offs, but whether it is or not, the movie definitely won't come out in 2016. I was never sold on this movie anyway, it's not like most of them are anti-heroes, like the Suicide Squad. But it was more than that; I simply didn't trust Sony, as they already destroyed many Spider-man movies already, not the directors. But getting someone who has been involved with Spider-man and Marvel is a great idea.
     Next, a Reddit user has claimed that The Maze Runner's Dylan O'Brien has been cast as Peter Parker. But come on, this is Reddit. O'Brien seems like a solid choice, but personally, I am rooting for Logan Lerman to nab the role, as he is young, and if you haven't seen The Perks of Being a Wallflower, watch it; you'll see why he will make a spectacular Peter Parker.
     Speaking of which, rumor has it the new film will be called The Spectacular Spider-man. All fans of the TV show that was cancelled way too soon will be stoked about this, as I am. The film will allegedly see Spidey fighting Iron Man as a "test" to join the Avengers, and will also see the formation of the Sinister Six. I don't think that a film dedicated to them is a good idea, but I am all for them appearing in Spider-man flicks. With them in the movie, Spider-man could require some assistance from other Marvel heroes. Maybe not the Avengers, but possibly some street-level heroes like Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and/or Jessica Jones. It would be a great way for these heroes to make their inevitable big-screen debut.
We'll see this one day in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...
     Then there's the matter of whether it will be Peter Parker or not. The Wrap's Jeff Sneider said, "Spider-man is going to most likely be black. But there is a chance he could also be Latino. 95% sure not white". I am a huge fan of Miles Morales, if that is indeed who they choose to be the next Spider-man, but in order to have him be the next Spidey, I think you have to first do Peter Parker, as Miles' origins are tied to Peter's death in the Ultimate Universe. Maybe Peter bites the dust in Civil War?
     I hope Marvel just chooses the best actor to play Spider-man, no matter what he looks like. This is all exciting news, so tell me what you think about this surplus of news!