Tuesday, March 3, 2015

First photo of Wilson Fisk in Daredevil

     The first photos of Vincent D'Onofrio has been released by Marvel, and I like what I see. The Kingpin has a pretty straight-forward look in the comics, and D'Onofrio totally looks the part. He is not sporting the white suit yet, but you can only get so much, right? 
     Plus, Daredevil is starting out with his all black ninja garb, and it has been heavily hinted that we would see the classic all red costume by the end of the season, so the costumes will definitely going through changes throughout the first season. The next photo sees Fisk pissed off in what looks to be a warehouse. 
     I have loved what has been revealed so far for the show, and I am all for that dark and gritty tone that was first introduced to me in the form of Arrow. There has been so little revealed so far about the series, but as the April 10 debut nears, more and more is getting revealed. Stay tuned!

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