Sunday, March 29, 2015

Arrow: Why Oliver Accepting the Offer is a Good Thing

     When Ra's al Ghul asked Oliver Queen to be his heir, pretty much everyone assumed that Oliver would say no, and he obviously did. But what Oliver and Team Arrow did not know was that the Demon's Head doesn't take "no" for an answer. Now, the League is in Starling City masquerading as the Arrow so the people would turn on him, making the offer more appealing. 
    This season of Arrow has been a bit disappointing; sure, it's hard to beat last season, but this season has so much potential and it is not being utilized. Ra's al Ghul has been an interesting and entertaining villain, yet he's only been in, what, 4 episodes so far? And many of the other villains have been very boring. The character development has been great this year, but some of the stories are just getting to be very unrealistic and repetitive. And by repetitive, I mean that the writers are using the same formula; villain shows up, quick confrontation, some drama, then they take him/her down. It just seems like a lot of these characters are there just so they can have an episode.
     The second season was so great because even early on, many of the villains were connected to the season-long baddie. Everything was connected. This season, the villains seem to show up just to delay the inevitable confrontation between the League and Team Arrow. That's what we all really want to see. And now we're supposed to believe that a few people can hold their own against a whole army of trained assassins and a man who's been alive for centuries?
     Oliver really should be become the next leader of the League of Assassins because the show needs to undergo some changes. Stephen Amell recently revealed that Arrow would be changed in a very fundamental way. Maybe Oliver becoming the new Ra's al Ghul is that big change? Imagine Oliver and the League traveling around the world to take down new threats. This way, they could even introduce even bigger villains in the DC Universe that Oliver could now go toe-to-toe with, not those weak villains of the weeks. Someone/something that would take the whole League to take down, which would probably mean more cohesive stories because a big villain couldn't be taken down in one week. We could get episodes focusing on some villain(s) that take up a few episodes, like the Brick trilogy this season.
     Plus, there have also been rumors of someone leaving Team Arrow, possibly being a reason for Oliver leaving and a reason for Team Arrow to break up. Then, there were the set photos of Oliver in League of Assassins attire. But, my final reason that points to this happening is the fact that H.I.V.E. will probably be the big bad in Season 4. The League of Assassins against H.I.V.E. would make for an epic season. Plus, they wanted Andy Diggle dead, which would tie the League, Team Arrow, and H.I.V.E together.
     But before Season 4 arrives, we need to see the conclusion of Season 3, and I am actually not sure where that will go since, the big villain actually wants our hero alive...


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